
Try our Demo Planner and imagine the possibilities for your own product range. Mix and match colors, sizes, and materials to understand the potential of our platform.

Ready to revolutionize your Furniture business?

We’re eager to help! Whether you have questions, need support, or are just curious about The Planner Studio, get in touch. We are here to assist you in creating amazing customer experiences.

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Different types of demos

At The Planner Studio, we understand that seeing is believing. That’s why we offer tailored demos to fit your specific requirements, ensuring you can visualize exactly how our 3D configurator will enhance your online presence:

Full-Functioning Product Demo: If you already possess 3D files of your products, we can quickly set up a fully functioning demo. Experience firsthand how your actual products will look and interact in our 3D configurator, providing you with a realistic view of the user experience.

Design Mockup: For businesses that do not yet have 3D files, we offer a design mockup service. While this mockup is not interactive, it provides a high-quality visual representation of what your products could look like within our configurator, helping you envision the potential.

Various Use Cases: If you’re interested in exploring different applications of our technology, we can demonstrate various demos featuring diverse products. This option is perfect for those looking to understand the configurator’s versatility across different market segments and product types.

Choose the type of demo that best suits your needs and let us show you the power of advanced 3D visualization. Whether it’s a detailed walk-through with your own products or an exploration of various possibilities, we are here to provide a comprehensive demonstration experience.